#40283 - ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Harradan had never had a drop of luck in his life, or so he told himself as he stood quietly on his room's balcony, Life has dealt me a real shitty hand, he pondered quietly, victim of abuse as a child, the town watch has rescued him from his father and sent him to an orphanage, as life looked up for him the harder truth was then forcefully imposed upon him. A month after he sent the money back home to his wife, the war was won by a daring charge from Harradan's company left the enemies flank dangerously weak and open to, the cavalry charge that won them the battle,and the war. So what, dear Garienne do you know of me? I know that you are The bravest man I have ever known, thatyou would willingly risk your life for me, which shows you have great honour, I know you are a fantastic Love